October 11, 2019
Attention: Farmersville Voters Subject: Candidacy for Mayor of Farmersville
Dear Farmersville Neighbor:
My name is Nick Lamb and I’m running as a write-in candidate for Mayor of Farmersville. First, I would like to introduce myself if you don’t already know me. My wife, Audra, and I have lived in Farmersville since 2007. We have 3 boys – Miles (9 years), Holden (7 years) and Spencer (3 months). Farmersville and the entire Valley View community has been a great place to raise our children. We couldn’t be more grateful for the connections and friendships we’ve made with our neighbors in the community!
While serving as Farmersville councilperson during the past 21 months, I’ve learned a lot about Farmersville and its history, and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting several Farmersville residents. I’ve also gained firsthand knowledge of how the Village of Farmersville is run, as well as the specific issues and opportunities in our village. Along with the support of council, I’m confident that we’ll make the right decisions to continue to move Farmersville in the right direction. The transition from councilperson to mayor means that I lose voting power but gain influence. I hope to use that influence to help lead our council to make decisions that positively affect our village now and for years to come.
A primary goal of mine as Mayor of Farmersville is to engage our residents on a more active and regular basis. I will make myself available formally during scheduled events, at council meetings, and informally in the community because I want to hear from you about what you love most about Farmersville and/or what you would like to change. I would love to hear your vision for Farmersville.
I am running as a write-in candidate. No residents filed for the position of Mayor of Farmersville before the August 7, deadline. It is important to me for Farmersville to have an elected mayor instead of an appointed mayor which is why I filed as a write-in candidate before the August 26 write-in deadline.
If you choose to vote for me as Mayor of Farmersville, you will need to write (if you choose the manual ballot) or type (new digital ballot) my name in as “Nicolas Lamb” in the available spot under the heading “For Mayor.” I’ve attached a screen shot of a sample ballot. You can request a list of write- in candidate names at your polling location. Please encourage your Village of Farmersville friends and neighbors to request this list so they know they have an option for Mayor on November 5.
Thank you so much for your time. I hope I can count on your support on November 5. If I have not met you yet, I look forward to it!
Nicolas Lamb